Automation Smashing received ideas : iptables Discover how you can make efficient and secure local-firewall templates in 10 lines. It makes things easier to maintain, debug, automate, and operate.
Security Knowledge : sharing is caring Delve into malicious software detection and the ways to avoid them . Take the opportunity to win the book "Ethical Hacking" by @editionsENI or a special surprise.
Hack it -> CRT ([Ghost][HTML/CSS]) /!\/!\/!\---WARNING---/!\/!\/!\ Seizures caused by light are known as photosensitive epilepsy. Content that flickers, flashes, or blinks can trigger photosensitive epilepsy. CRT are known for photosensitive epilepsy issues. Therefore you can use the according button below to disable the flickering. The other button starts the flickering, and/or restore from disabled
Exit the Past : Quit using "sudo su -" Since the 70's Unix Operating Systems (O.S.) were designed to be multi-process and multi-user. The root account is the account of the administrator so permissions and groups have been added to enable other users to perform administrative tasks. If in the past root was only one person,