Meet the authors

Thierry Fraudet

Thierry Fraudet

Clermont-Ferrand (France)

Fellow & Architect @ Michelin IT, my main focus is to develop the long term technology roadmap, articulate transformation to support business strategy and support innovative thinking.

Olivier Jauze

Olivier Jauze

Clermont-Ferrand (France)

Senior Fellow @Michelin IT to help embrace the world of digital platforms. Platforms are key to support new business models in services and solutions, market places, digital manufacturing ...

François Deheeger

François Deheeger

Clermont-Ferrand (France)

Senior Fellow AI & data science | Michelin R&D and beyond push the use of open source software and methodology as a solution for agile and collaborative research, and data driven, of course.

André Devillars

André Devillars

Clermont-Ferrand (France)

Senior Fellow, my role is to make sure we plan, design & deliver, at the right security & operational level, all the Infrastructure capabilities required to support the Group's digital solutions

Pierre Raufast

Pierre Raufast

France / Clermont-Ferrand

Senior Fellow Cyber Security Former CERT manager dealing with Defensive & Offensive Security. Better understand the threats to better anticipate. Play with AI to assess potential for cyber.

Scott Hughes

Scott Hughes

South Carolina, USA

Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect for Michelin with a passion for Network Automation. Network automation is the key to our future in order to quickly be able to provide network services.

Julien Millau

Julien Millau

Clermont-Ferrand (France)

Distinguished Engineer and IT Architect passionate about software and mobile development. I'm working on projects around connected tires. I love sharing knowledge and talking about technologies.

Xavier Barros

Xavier Barros

Clermont-Ferrand (France)

Infrastructure Architect @ Michelin, in charge of Continuous Service Improvement. I usually get involved in all sorts of weird, complex issues / cross-domain matters requiring a broad set of skills.

Fabien Pomerol

Fabien Pomerol

Clermont-Ferrand (France)

Technical Architect @Michelin, i'm working on IoT projects around vehicle tracking and connected tyre. I mostly write code in Java / JavaScript and try to share DevOps culture on development teams.

Matt Idol

Matt Idol

South Carolina, USA

I graduated from Clemson with a computer engineering degree in 2013, and UofSC with a business analytics MBA in 2021. With Michelin 12 years, work as a BI&A full stack architect for the Americas.

Ruthie Ballenger

Ruthie Ballenger

Greenville SC

Full Stack Architect @Michelin for the Beyond The Tread department in Customer Experience. Software developer for more than 25 years. I love to learn and share knowledge with my fellow teammates.

Julien Gagnet

Julien Gagnet

Imagineer, product architect and a little bit fullstack too - or maybe the opposite. I am fond of the technologies bring by the Web giants on distributed systems and resiliency.

Guillaume Serre

Guillaume Serre


After spending the 20 first years of my career on building software solutions, I'm now leading the SRE practice for Michelin, bringing new ways to do efficient operations globally.

Adrien Gooris

Adrien Gooris

Clermont-Ferrand (France)

IT Expert on Dev Technologies. Fascinated by all the tools that allow industrialization of software development and infrastructure. Strong promoter of containerization and orchestration platforms. 🐳

Claire Gourcy

Claire Gourcy

Clermont-Ferrand, France

UX Designer & Product Owner of MOTION Design System @Michelin. Working as UX Designer Lead for R&D entity. Passionate by Digital and Design with a user-centric approach everyday!

Emilien Mottet

Emilien Mottet


Emilien Mottet, SRE @ Michelin, Software Engineer. Passionate about hacking, automation, and free software. Adheres to KISS, DRY, DOT & DIW principles. Avid #Gentoo user and #GNU/#Linux enthusiast.

Robin Sooprayen

Robin Sooprayen


Avec une expérience solide dans l'informatique, j'ai eu l'opportunité de développer dans plusieurs langages de programmation et finalement me tourner vers le monde du monitoring et de l'observabilité.

Marie-Laure Momplot

Marie-Laure Momplot


Kafka Streams Specialist at Michelin - French - passionate about discussing : #Kafka #KafkaStream 🦦 #StreamProcessing #EventDrivenArchitecture #Programming #Japan🗾, and many other topics😉...

Wei Tian

Wei Tian

Shanghai (China)

IT Architect in Michelin Asia, mainly focusing on hybrid integration solutions. 6th IT Expert in Michelin WW, and 1st in Asia.